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But Dr Charlotte Bryant from the University of Glasgow points out that there are many nuances to the technique. "If you want to know the date of a wooden object you usually want to find out when it was made, but this is not necessarily the same as the age of the wood it is made from," she explains. Fluctuations in atmospheric 14C concentration also have to be taken into account. "A 14C age is not equivalent to a calendar age, so needs to be converted," Bryant says. "We do this by comparing the radiocarbon age to a 'calibration curve'." This is based on materials whose date has been deduced from alternative methods, such as tree ring analysis, and is always being updated and refined. "From one radiocarbon measurement and its uncertainty, the calibration gives a range of possible calendar ages," Bryant says. "How big this range is depends on how old the sample is and where on the calibration curve it lies ??? ie, when atmospheric 14C changed rapidly the range of possible calendar ages is usually smaller."